
Set theory begins with two primitive notions of sets and membership. Other axioms are defined relative to these concepts.

Sets are often denoted using roster notation in which members are specified explicitly in a comma-delimited list surrounded by curly braces. Alternatively, abstraction (or set-builder notation) defines sets using an entrance requirement. Examples of the set of prime numbers less than :

  • Roster notation:
  • Set-builder notation:


If two sets have exactly the same members, then they are equal:

Empty Set Axiom

There exists a set having no members:

Pairing Axiom

For any sets and , there exists a set having as members just and :

Union Axiom

Preliminary Form

For any sets and , there exists a set whose members are those sets belonging either to or to (or both):

General Form

For any set , there exists a set whose elements are exactly the members of the members of :

Power Set Axiom

For any set , there is a set whose members are exactly the subsets of :

Subset Axioms

For each formula not containing , the following is an axiom:

Axiom of Choice

This axiom assumes the existence of some choice function capable of selecting some element from a nonempty set. Note this axiom is controversial because it is non-constructive: there is no procedure we can follow to decide which element was chosen.

Relation Form

For any relation there exists a function with .

Infinite Cartesian Product Form

For any set and function with domain , if for all , then .

Infinity Axiom

There exists an inductive set:


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