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Aux. Memory

void heapsort(int n, int H[static n]) {
  build_max_heap(n, H);
  while (n > 1) {
    swap(A, 0, --n);
    max_heapify_down(n, A, 0);

Refer to heaps for implementations of build_max_heap and max_heapify_down.

Loop Invariant

Consider loop invariant given by

A[0:i-1] is a max-heap containing the i smallest elements of A. A[i:n-1] contains the n - i largest elements of A sorted.

We prove maintains the requisite properties:

  • Initialization
    • A[0:n-1] is a max-heap and A[n:n-1] is empty.
  • Maintenance
    • On each iteration, A[0] is swapped with A[i-1]. A[0] is originally the largest element of the max-heap and is smaller than the elements of A[i:n-1]. Thus A[i-1:n-1] is in sorted order. Decrementing i, decrementing the heap size, and invoking MAX_HEAPIFY_DOWN on A[0] fixes the max-heap property of A[0:i-1].
  • Termination
    • We terminate when i = 1. Since A[0:1] is a max-heap, it follows A[0] < A[1]. Furthermore, A[2:n-1] are the largest n - 2 elements of A in sorted order. Thus A is sorted.
