
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is the foundational representation language of the Semantic Web. The basic building block of RDF is the triple containing a subject, predicate, and object. Global identifiers of resources are represented as URIs (or, more generally, IRIs). These URIs can be expressed more compactly as CURIEs.

Standard Namespaces

W3C have defined a number of standard namespaces for use with Web technologies:

  • xsd
    • Refers to the XML schema definition.
  • xmlns
    • Refers to XML namespaces.
  • rdf
    • Refers to identifiers used in RDF.


  • Allemang, Dean, James A. Hendler, and Fabien L. Gandon. Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist. 3e ed. ACM Books 33. New York: Association for computing machinery, 2020.

1 item under this folder.