
Assume that there is given an infinite sequence of expressions called variables and a finite or infinite sequence of expressions called atomic constants, different from the variables. The set of expressions called -terms is defined inductively as follows:

  • all variables and atomic constants are -terms (called atoms);
  • if and are -terms, then is a -term (called application);
  • if is a -term and is a variable, then is a -term (called abstraction).

If the sequence of atomic constants is empty, the system is called pure. Otherwise it is called applied.

Syntactic Identity

Syntactic identity of terms is denoted by "".


The length of a -term (denoted ) is equal to the number of atoms in the term:

  • for all atoms ;
  • ;
  • .


For -terms and , the relation occurs in is defined by induction on as:

  • occurs in ;
  • if occurs in or in , then occurs in ;
  • if occurs in or is , then occurs in .

For a particular occurrence of in a term , the occurrence of is called the scope of the occurrence of .

Free and Bound Variables

An occurrence of a variable in a term is called

  • bound if it is in the scope of a in ;
  • bound and binding iff it is the in ;
  • free otherwise.

denotes the set of all free variables of . A closed term is a term without any free variables.


For any , , and , define to be the result of substituting for every free occurrence of in , and changing bound variables to avoid clashes.

For all -terms , , and variables :


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